Reaching and Restoring the hard-to-reach in Sanford, Florida, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Why Freeway?
Started at a coffee shop in 2011 with this simple mission statement:
Freeway Ministries exists to reach the hard-to-reach with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, one broken life at a time.
“When Jesus gets ahold of someone with a criminal background and they accept Christ, they become men and women with a vision! They are on fire, and some of the boldest Christians that you will ever come in contact with. It then becomes our job to encourage, teach, warn, assist, and correct this new believer on what they do, according to God’s Word. These individuals become “God Magnets” reaching people that no one else can reach.”
— John Stroup, Executive Director of Freeway Ministries

Why Sanford?

Discipleship is our recovery.

The Mission
Freeway Ministries exists to live out the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission.
We believe that through Biblical truths, people can and will be set free from any and every addiction.
Freeway assists the local church in reaching what we feel is an unreached demographic.
How do we accomplish this mission?
Discipleship Housing
Freeway Ministries is more than just discipleship housing. It is a community of people that turn into a family. We offer housing to provide stability and accountability but also to create community. Many of our graduates still attend our services, spend holidays with us, and serve faithfully.
Proven Programming
According to a recent study by the Department of Justice, up to 83% of prisoners are arrested again within the first 9 years after their release. 90-95% of graduates from Freeway discipleship houses do not return to prison after completion of the program.
Lasting Partnerships
In addition to local churches, we have created alliances with law enforcement, courts, probation and parole, recovery centers, and the Department of Corrections.
We are not grant-funded. Therefore, we depend solely on the support of churches, individuals, and businesses to fulfill our calling.
Godly Principles
By teaching men and women how to live by following the principles found in the Word of God and creating a safe community for them to develop relationships, we are changing the trajectory of not only their lives, but also their community.
What Does Freeway Sanford Value?

Focusing on the physical and spiritual well-being of the community, we meet a person’s physical needs so they will be more receptive to focusing on their spiritual needs.

Equipping believers with the Word of God through accountable relationships to replicate faithful followers of Christ, we provide one-on-one discipleship.

Weekly Outreach
Our weekly outreaches are designed to meet the needs of the community by providing a hot meal, access to clothing, and childcare while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the recovery community, the unchurched, and the local church. Freeway Sanford is not the local church but it helps point the lost and hurting to churches within the community.
Oftentimes, specific people groups will not attend church due to preconceived notions or past hurts. We work to break down those barriers and introduce these people to a church who will love and support them. We explain the necessity of participation in the local church and encourage them to join our body of believers. At the close of every weekly outreach service, our guests are invited and given the opportunity to schedule transportation to our church.
You can also schedule transportation by calling 386-804-1167.
We meet every Thursday at 6:00 pm at the Hanger building on the Central Church property. These weekly outreaches help create the community that is the cornerstone of Freeway Sanford.
Not Your Normal Church Service
When you walk into a Freeway Ministry location, you will quickly notice it doesn’t look like a typical church service. Most churches do not have individuals who bring all of their personal belongings in a shopping cart with them every week; this is a normal occurrence at Freeway. We provide an informal setting for individuals to hear the Word of God.
The Bible says, “there is none good, no not one” (Romans 3:10). There’s an understanding at Freeway that we are all broken. We are all seeking the One that can heal our brokenness.
There is a misconception of what ‘church people’ should look like. Almost everyone walking into Freeway will see someone who looks like them.
The population of Freeway attenders are the homeless, the addicted, the struggling single parent, families, professionals, attorneys, and pastors; everyone coming together to bridge the gap from the unchurched to the local church.
Many who attend Freeway have left behind a difficult past. By walking away from their former lifestyle, they walked away from friends and family. Freeway is designed to fill that void. Individuals share meals weekly, spend holidays together, study the Bible together and are accountable to each other. It’s more than just a building,
Come Worship With Us!
We would love to have you attend one of our weekly services. We welcome individuals from all walks of life. Come and be a part of lives being radically transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Central Church
3101 FL-46, Sanford, FL 32771
Dinner 5:30 pm Service 6:00 PM


The Freeway Sanford Men’s House provides a safe and supportive Christ-centered environment for men to grow and develop their walk with the Lord. Our discipleship program is designed around principles found in the Word of God. Sobriety is the first step in long-term success; we believe discipleship is the key to life-long change.
Each man is mentored through one-on-one discipleship and will complete our Seasons Classes before graduation. They are taught the foundation for living a God-honoring life. Men are taught to be Godly leaders in their homes and how to care for their families. They are taught the importance of restoring broken relationships with their children and family.
Through our partnership with Restoration Church of Sanford, each man is given the opportunity to serve in the community, at church, and at Freeway Sanford. They build lasting relationships that help them to develop Godly character, life skills, and accountability. The relationships often continue long after they graduate. It is truly a season that will change the rest of their life.
We welcome men from every demographic to deepen their relationship with God through our 12-month residential program. If you are interested in applying, please follow the link below.
Many of the people who walk through the doors of Freeway Ministries have a sordid past or are in the midst of a messed up life. We often hear unique stories of redemption that transform these broken lives; this creates a beautiful picture of the restoration power of God’s grace. These are just a few examples of what God can do with a ONE BROKEN LIFE.
ONE BROKEN LIFE is a production of Freeway Ministries in Springfield, Missouri.
It is a series of unique conversations exploring what God can do through ONE BROKEN LIFE. Throughout this podcast, you will hear the stories of real-life transformations from those who have been restored from the pit.

Traie & Savanna Odom
Traie: Freeway Sanford Director
I spent 18 years of my life trapped in addiction and crime. Almost a decade I have spent behind bars. But in 2020 God seemed fit to save my soul and I gave my life to Christ. In 2021 I surrendered my life to full time ministry not knowing what that would look like at the time. In 2022 I met my wife and we were married that same year. Since then God has brought me to Freeway Sanford with the goal of reaching One Broken Life At A Time.