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Local Missions

The mission of Restoration Church of Sanford is to RESTORE all people from all walks of life back to God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Our local mission is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those hurting in Sanford and equip others to minister to the hard-to-reach. This is accomplished through weekly meals, teaching, and discipleship. We are committed as a local Church to saturate all we do in God's Word. We believe that through the faithful teaching of the Scriptures and clear presentations of the Gospel, the Spirit of God frees those enslaved to sin to live a biblically-centered life to the glory of God. Our desire is to see people come to know and love Christ, be discipled, and then become disciples who make disciples.

Understanding Sanford

Over the years, many changes have come to Sanford. Along with modern redevelopment, there has been an influx of middle-class social climbers bringing with them their worldview, often not understanding the nuances of entering a tight-knit community where families have lived for generations. We have also seen immigrants being settled in Sanford, often being met with suspicion. And we have seen the 'benefits class' who have been on social security handouts for generations. For them, work is an anathema. 

All of this is being fed by a drug culture that is commonplace, coupled with a criminal underbelly that deals in street drugs, prescribed medication, and stolen goods as a matter of course. Far too many people in our community of Sanford are ruled by fear.

We believe that the biggest need, most urgent crisis, and most crippling poverty in Sanford is spiritual. Most living in our community are spiritually dead, trapped, lost, unreached, and unengaged by the local church. The gospel alone changes lives. The response of the church to the devastating reality of much of life in Sanford has to be more than support groups and charity. Our response must be for the church to move into our city, to see new, healthy, vibrant, gospel preaching churches established in Sanford and for Sanford.

Reaching the hard to reach in our city


Restoring lives, one broken life at a time

Kim Melnick

RCS Outreach Coordinator 

Kim loves the Lord and loves people. She and her husband Jeff are covenant members of Restoration Church of Sanford and they have 4 wonderful adult children and a precious granddaughter. Kim’s desire is to see people from all walks of life restored to God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. She loves to learn and share all that God is teaching her. Her life verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 and she strives to wholeheartedly trust in the Lord. 


What To Expect

Our goal is to equip you with the right tools to comprehensively restore the lost, broken, and hopeless in our community.

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The most important need of the people we serve is always spiritual.


Direct giving should be the exception rather than the rule and is generally limited to emergency situations.


We best steward our resources by coming alongside those who are willing to help themselves in a discipleship relationship.


We must take the time to get to know people’s stories but most have trust issues and it may take some time.


This work requires grace and flexibility, both towards those we serve and towards each other as we serve together.

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